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BEEF PHALL印度辣味牛肉咖喱

推荐人: 来源: 佳肴吧 阅读: 1.1W 次
BEEF PHALL印度辣味牛肉咖喱的做法步骤图

出自The Hairy Bikers - Great Curries


牛肉 800g
红辣椒 4条
洋葱,切碎 2个
蒜瓣 6个
姜,切碎 25g
干辣椒(Bird's-eye) 10个
葵花籽油 3 tbsp
小茴香籽(Cumin seeds) 2 tsp
葫芦巴籽(Fenugreek seeds) 1 tsp
辣椒粉(paprika) 1 tbsp
玛萨拉粉(garam masala) 1 1/2 tbsp
姜黄末(ground tumeric) 1 tsp
罐装番茄碎 400g
冷水 400ml
海盐 2 tsp

BEEF PHALL印度辣味牛肉咖喱的做法  

  1. 去除牛肉的脂肪和筋腱,切成大约3cm大小的肉块,撒上黑胡椒。

    Trim the beef of any hard fat and sinew, then cut the meat into rough 3cm chunks and season with ground black pepper.

  2. 将2个鲜辣椒切碎(不要去籽),另外两个切开顶部去籽。

    Place the long red chillies on a board and roughly chop 2 of them without deseeding. Split the other 2 from stalk to tip on 1 side without opening or removing the seeds and set them aside for later.

  3. 将切碎的那两个辣椒放入料理机,加入洋葱、蒜瓣、姜和干辣椒打成泥。打得尽量顺滑。

    Put the fresh chopped chillies in a food processor with the onions, garlic, ginger and dried chillies, then bliz them to a puree as smooth as you can make it. You will need to remove the lid and push the mixture down a couple of times with a rubber spectula until you get the right consistency.

  4. 烤箱预热190度。

    Preheat the oven to 190℃/Fan 170℃/Gas 5.

  5. 砂锅热油,加入cumin和fenugreek seeds翻炒几秒钟。加入洋葱泥,翻炒6-8分钟直至洋葱金黄。记得开抽油烟机,很呛人。

    Heat the oil in a large, flameproof casserole dish over a medium-high heat. Add the cumin and fenugreek seeds and cook for a few seconds, while stirring. Add the onion mixture and fry for 6-8 minutes, stirring constantly until the onions turn golden brown. Do this with an extractor fan on full blast as the chillies could make you sneeze!

  6. 加入paprika, garam masala和turmeric。煮大约30秒。加入牛肉煮2分钟,不停搅拌直到牛肉上色。如果香料泥开始粘锅可以加一点油。

    Stir the paprika, garam masala and turmeric into the pan and cook them together for 30 seconds, stirring constantly. Add the beef and cook it with the spiced onion mixture for 2 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until lightly coloured on all sides. If the spices begin to stick, add a little extra oil and give the base of the pan a food scrape before they have a chance to burn.

  7. 加入番茄,水和剩下的两条辣椒。加入盐,慢炖。加盖然后将砂锅转移至烤箱内烘烤45分钟后取出搅拌。再次放入烤箱烤30分钟,直到牛肉煮透,咖喱汁浓稠。

    Next, add the tomatoes, water and whole chillies. Stir in the salt and bring to a simmer. Cover the casserole dish with a lid and carefully put it in the oven. Cook for 45 minutes, then remove the dish from the oven and stir the curry. Put it back into the oven and cook for another 30 minutes or until the beef is tender and the sauce has thickened.




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