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新疆风味烤鸡腿(Recipe in Chinese and English)

推荐人: 来源: 佳肴吧 阅读: 2.13W 次
新疆风味烤鸡腿(Recipe in Chinese and English)的做法步骤图

If you have visted Xinjiang province in China you may understand why i entitle this dish "xinjiang style roasted drumsticks". By using a plenty of cumin and pepper into their cooking,the Uigur create many yummy plats and make them well known in all the regions of China.


鸡腿drumsticks 5只
柠檬lemon 1个
土豆potate 2个
胡萝卜carrot 2根
洋葱onion 1个
甜椒green pimento 两个
干辣椒或辣椒粉dry red pepper or chilli powder
油泼辣子pepper oil
四川大红袍花椒sichuan pepper(dahongpao)
生抽light soy sauce
老抽dark soy sauce
孜然粉cumin powder
无味葵花籽油sunflower seed oil

新疆风味烤鸡腿(Recipe in Chinese and English)的做法  

  1. 处理鸡腿,将鸡腿肉从骨头出剥离,但不用完全剔除骨头,在肉厚的地方划几刀,便于入味。
    Remove the meat from the bones by using the tip of your knife. Then make slashes in the drumsticks,this increases the surface area of the chicken, so the marinade can penetrate the meat.

  2. 洋葱切丝、甜椒切片、土豆、胡萝卜切薄块(1.5cm厚度),和处理好的鸡腿放入烤盘内,加入所有调料混合成汁倒入烤盘,按摩20分钟入味,然后静置1小时。
    Slice onion, cut potate、green pimento and carrot into thick slice(1.5cm). Put all vingtables and drumsticks into a big ovenware, them mix all the seasnoning into a marinade, toss the drumsticks with the marinade, give a massage to the drumsticks for 20mintus then put it away for at least 1 hours.

  3. 平底锅中下油,将腌制好的鸡腿鸡皮朝下放下锅煎至焦黄。
    Pour sunflower seed oil into a pan and fry the seasoned drumsticks until the color of skin turn into golden.

  4. 煎好的鸡腿重新倒入烤盘内,挤入少量柠檬汁调味(如无可省略)。
    Put back the well fried drumsticks into ovenware and mix them well with other ingredients. A little bit of fresh lemon juice will make your dish more delicious.

  5. 烤箱预热20分钟,200度上下火,放入准备好的食材,每隔20分钟翻面一次,烤制时间约为1个小时,中途注意观察可适当调整温度。最后不要忘记撒上香菜!
    Preheat the oven at 200c for 20 minutes(choose up and down heat mode), then put the food into it. Every 20 mintues you may need to rotate the drumsticks to make sure all sides will be well roasted. Do not forget to put coriander after all!

  6. 一图看懂所需食材

    新疆风味烤鸡腿(Recipe in Chinese and English)的做法步骤图 第2张


Drumsticks must be well seasoned!
If you do not have the specific herb mentioned in the recipe, any others can be acceptable.
Want to try the simplest recipe? Oil/light soy sauce/chilli powder(paprika is okay)/salt/sugar is enough for a yummy xinjiang style plate!