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Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)

推荐人: 来源: 佳肴吧 阅读: 2.22W 次
Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图

Nathan’s dish ~~~🥣


Dried Kelt 干海带 1 piece
Sweet potato (or potato) 地瓜或土豆 1
Lotus roots 莲藕 1
Dried Black fungus 黑木耳 30g
Thin sheets of bean curd 豆腐皮 100g
Needle mushrooms 金针菇 300g
Beancurt puff 豆腐泡 6
crowndaisy chrysanthemum (vegetable you like) 茼蒿 100g
Garlic 大蒜 3
Ginger 姜 4 pieces
Spring onion 葱 1 piece
Spicy pot base 海底捞麻辣香锅底料 1.5 bags
Lao Gan Ma Spicy Paste 老干妈油辣椒 Depends
Caraway 香菜 Appropriate

Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法  

  1. Soak the kelp in clean water for 20 minutes.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. Soak the dried black funguses in water for 20 minutes.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. Fry the sweet potatoes for 2 minutes each side~

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. Fry lotus’s roots for 2 minutes each side~

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. Get them out, and put them on the plate until them become cold.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. The stem of vegetable need to be boiled first.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. Cut the thin sheets of beancurd into small pieces, and wash the beancurd puffs.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第8张
  8. Prepare spring onions, garlic and ginger.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第9张
  9. Cut a large piece of kelp into small pieces. Boil small-piece kelps and black fungus for 2 minutes, and drain them before cook!

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第10张
  10. Cut the roots of needle mushrooms off and wash the rest of them with clean water.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第11张
  11. 😅I forgot to take picture when I was cooking ..
    👉🏻Put a little of oil and add spring onion, ginger, garlic together 👉🏻add 1.5 bags of spicy pot paste and heat them for a while 👉🏻 add kelps into pot, fry them for a while.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第12张
  12. 👉🏻 Add thin sheets of beancurd and beancurd puffs, fry for 1 minuet 👉🏻 Add needle mushrooms and black fungus, fry for a while, cover the lid and let them simmer for 2 minutes.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第13张
  13. 👉🏻 Add pre-fried sweet potatoes and lotus roots into pot and mix them together, cover the lid for 2 minutes 👉🏻 Add green vegetables (whatever you like) on the top, and add water (20ml) and cover the lid for about 3 minutes.

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第14张
  14. 👉🏻 Uncover the lid and keep frying (mixing all ingredients) for 2 minutes 👉🏻 ( If not spicy or salty, add some Lao Gan Ma spicy paste to adjust the flavor) 👉🏻 Ladle them out into plate~~~🥣

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第15张
  15. Decorated with some caraways and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.  🙌🏻

    Vegan Spicy Pot (纯素麻辣香锅)的做法步骤图 第16张