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Funny lunch box

推荐人: 来源: 佳肴吧 阅读: 3.37W 次
Funny lunch box的做法步骤图

I wish I could take a delicate lunch box to school or work without even know what it is before I open it. It must be a warm story of love.❤️
Make food art.


Pork 10 piece
Egg 1
Sea grass 20g
Rice 100g
Seaweed 1 piece

Funny lunch box的做法  

  1. Salted the meat with sugar ,salt , soy sauce , red pepper, black pepper,honey, oyster sauce, garlic, vinegar , sesame oil

  2. Cook the rice (leave the rice in the water for 20min it more)

    Funny lunch box的做法步骤图 第2张
  3. Fry the pork until it shows golden light

  4. Fry the whole egg with the oil left on the pan

  5. Put all things together and do the garnishing

  6. Enjoy 😉